Allied Health (ALTH)

ALTH-107 Communication for Health Professionals
1 Credit

Lecture: 1 hour per week

Offering: Fall and Spring Only, All Years

This course provides allied health students the opportunity to develop communication skills necessary for effective helping and teamwork relationships.

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ALTH-130 Nursing Assistant (CNA)
5 Credits

Lecture: 4 hours per week, Lab: 4 hours per week

Offering: Fall, Spring, and Summer, All Years

Nursing Assistant (CNA) serves as an introduction to health care as a provider. The course prepares students to provide basic physical and environmental care for individuals in a variety of health care and home care settings. The course is designed as competency-based education, meaning that students will be required to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired. At the completion of this course, the students will be eligible to take the state mandate written and clinical skills exams. Successful completion of the state exams meets all the requirements of P.L. 100-203, Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA), of 1987.

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