Business Management (BMGT)

BMGT-256 Problem Solving Through Team Dynamics
3 Credits

Lecture: 3 hours per week

Offering: Spring Only, All Years

This course explores the creation of teams and their utilization to solve problems. Team dynamics and strategies, brainstorming, information gathering methods, interpersonal communication, interdependence, and synergy are examined. Prior completion of other courses is not required.

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BMGT-260 Human Resource Management
3 Credits

Lecture: 3 hours per week

Offering: Spring Only, All Years

This course is an introduction to human resource management. It is designed to give students an overview of the challenges faced by an organization in using employees in a legal and ethical manner. Emphasis will be placed on the legal issues and ethical dilemmas faced by business on a daily basis. This course will be useful to any students contemplating a career in business, as well as others who are interested in managing human resources.

Pre/Corequisites: BLDR-132, HRA-210

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BMGT-291 Business Management Internship
3 Credits

Internship: 9 hours per week

Offering: Fall, Spring, and Summer, All Years

This course provides students with practical, on-the-job experience in preparation for a successful career in business management. Students work under the supervision of a member of the management staff at a local business venue applying skills learned in the classroom. The student must demonstrate a minimum of entry-level competence as determined by the field experience. The course is graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.

Prerequisites: BUSA-101, BUSA-211, BUSA-221, ENTP-105, ENTP-125

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